
Quotations are invited for the purchase of computer systems, stationery, and furniture items for the Office of District Programme Officer, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar under Aanganwadi service scheme.

Quotations are invited for the purchase of computer systems, stationery, and furniture items for the Office of District Programme Officer, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar under Aanganwadi service scheme.
Title Description Start Date End Date File
Quotations are invited for the purchase of computer systems, stationery, and furniture items for the Office of District Programme Officer, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar under Aanganwadi service scheme.

Quotations are invited for the purchase of computer systems, stationery, and furniture items for the Office of District Programme Officer, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar under Aanganwadi service scheme.

18/03/2025 20/03/2025 View (3 MB)